Historical Photobooks by Women 1843-1999

Presenting a diverse geographic and ethnic selection, the What They Saw anthology interprets historical photobooks by women in the broadest sense possible: classic bound books, portfolios, personal albums, unpublished books, zines and scrapbooks. The chapter I wrote covers the years 1920-1935,those when the concept of the “New Woman” appeared, and covers the works of women from several countries, with different artistic and political views: Laure Albin-Guiillot, Alice Boughton,Aënne Biermann, Margaret Bourke-White, Julia-Margaret Cameron, Claude Cahun, Ellen Catleen, Lotte Errell, Hannah Höch,Germaine Krull, Erna Lendvai-Dircksen, Olga Linckelmann , ,Varvara Stepanova, Ellen KolbanThorbecke, Doris Ulmann and Hedda Walther. 

The book has received several awards, among which: Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation Catalogue of the Year Award 2021, Kraszna-Krausz Photography Book Award 2022, Time Magazine’s  20 Best Photobooks of 2021.

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